Nichole WilsonCo-founder + President
Nichole Wilson is the Co-Founder and President of Whole & Free Foods. Previously, she led the Sabra Hummus joint venture, R&D strategy for PepsiCo’s $33 billion food portfolio, and $40MM impact investment fund for Chicago Beyond. She speaks Japanese, keeps up with her very active family, and might secretly be a superhero. Plus, she has a celebratory dance for every new piece of equipment that arrives on the production floor.

Nichole’s dietary restrictions aren’t kryptonite—they energize her
In the blink of an eye, her family’s entire diet changed three years ago. She discovered that her two children had acid reflux and severe lactose intolerance, her husband realized he was lactose intolerant and sensitive to eggs and shellfish, and Nichole herself learned of her sensitivity to dairy and gluten.
Suddenly, Nichole had to think about food in a completely different way to protect herself and her family from days of severe pain and discomfort. She closely watched everything they ate, and started doing things like bringing special cupcakes to birthday parties, requesting dairy-free snacks at school, and handing out Lactaid to other mothers before playdates.

While it wasn’t easy, a spark was born
Nichole met Trish at a bookfair at their kid’s school and the partnership grew quickly. Their shared experiences, off the charts energy, and unstoppable attitudes make them imagine all that can be possible, together.
For Nichole, Every Body Eat® is more than just the integrity of their food. It also reflects the world that she wants to see: every body is enough, and limitations bind nobody.
From the other side of the table, meet Trish